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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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This is Regulus Black’s room. Regulus agreed to change his settings to show you his collection of Wicked Things & Stuff.
Modern stuff. Graffitis or posters or images. Modern Art ! In square canvas !
Here is our hommage to Kasimir Malevich ( beginning of 20th century )
Under this complicated title are the recolours of a stack of paintings 😀
Polaroids are instantaneous photos. There was 10 or so photos per “roll” and it was awesome.
Who wants to live in a forest ? Because we have a bunch of plants to do that.
A long awaiting project finally out into the world : the books from the potterverse….
For this volume, let’s get impressed by people. Except for the Monet and Van Gogh…
Nothing like grim and dark images for the gothik potterhead in you. Or just because…
Sure, impressionists are impressive and there is no way to say if one day we’ll be over the classiKa series
You know, you can’t limit the genius to their most famous work … here, take a look at their other works.
Professor Minerva McGonagall: Potter, take Weasley with you. He looks far too happy over there.