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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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Everything that is not a painting but that is not an item of “functional” furniture.
Polaroids are instantaneous photos. There was 10 or so photos per “roll” and it was awesome.
Who wants to live in a forest ? Because we have a bunch of plants to do that.
This is what it is. Gravestones. Tombstones. The stones in the backyard, or the sideyard,…
A simple wooden chessboard but from Hogwarts, in 2 versions : brown or black. Chess…
A long awaiting project finally out into the world : the books from the potterverse….
🎶 This is Halloween ! This is Halloween ! Halloween ! Halloween ! 🎶 For…
Columns are often hidden in plain sight. We offer to put them into the light….
Mulder? Scully? Agent Doggett? What are you doing here Assistant Director Skinner? And where is Agent Reyes?! 😀
Retro toaster for modern or in-theme kitchen. A goodies or a thoughtful decoration.
There’s a relation between you and the coffee and it all deserves a nice container.
“That belongs in a museum.” – Indiana Jones and the Last Crusades