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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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Different stuff for different rooms in different styles :D No limit !
This is Regulus Black’s room. Regulus agreed to change his settings to show you his collection of Wicked Things & Stuff.
A long time ago, we decided that our mental health needed better care. New designs…
There’s space, there’s wood ( easy to clean ) and it’s the easiest furniture to pack when moving
In honor of HolySimoly’s chairs, the K Holy Chairs. Sims3 conversion with more styles. We like them that much !
Kluit mini set is colourful and fun. Retro and vintage.Now, once in a while, you…
We always say that old item of furniture stand time better than moderns ones. While…
Bed for kids! While doing artworks, we thought doing beds would be a nice addition….
We can’t tell you it was easy to trim down that gigantic oak tree two days ago but it is surely a pleasure to look at now.
To welcome back Pluton in the solar system, we made a set. Furnitures & decos.
Its story is surely interesting indeed 😀 Now, you can get it here and put it in your new sims living-room
A simple 4 or 6 places table, doesn’t take much space, nice little tables. Chic or familial style !