Category: WizardryPage 1 of 2

We’re wizards 🧙too !

11 Fantastic Artworks – set 2

Enchanting French and Chinese art—magical creatures and chic frames. Everything to be spellbound.

Hogwarts Legacy Art – 11 Artworks – sets 1&2

The one with a train is the Hogwarts Express. No argument here. Tcho tcho 🚂

1 chessboard – Hogwarts set

A simple wooden chessboard but from Hogwarts, in 2 versions : brown or black. Chess…

Hogwarts Book – 4 sets

A long awaiting project finally out into the world : the books from the potterverse….

5 Artworks – Dark Potterverse

Nothing like grim and dark images for the gothik potterhead in you. Or just because…

La Friperie K-asual – 7 Hogwarts Tees

A modest debut for our firsts items at La Friperie K-asual, while waiting for summer…

Hogwarts Transfiguration Board – High Definition

Professor Minerva McGonagall: Potter, take Weasley with you. He looks far too happy over there.

7 Hogwarts Walls – Hogwarts Stone – set 1

Have fun with those stones with multiple purposes : building dungeons or high towers.

Hogwarts Vertical Artworks – 21 Artworks – set 1

By the way, in which House the Sorting had sent you ? Or did you choose yourself ?

Hogwarts More – 33 Artworks – 3 sets

Who would suspect the Daily Prophet to be a “special” newspaper with its weird headline ?

Back to Hogwarts – Wicked Things & Stuff

This is Regulus Black’s room. Regulus agreed to change his settings to show you his collection of Wicked Things & Stuff.

Back to Hogwarts – 1 Expecto Bedframe

They were the beds we slept in for our important years of growing up.