Hey, thank you for coming to this page. Fear not, we’ll keep it short and simple ๐Ÿ˜Š

We are open for donations. Thank you for considering it ๐Ÿ˜Œ This is a mean for people to buy us a coffee, show support. That’s all.

Tech-Hippie will always be free. Ever.
Even before its creation, Tech-Hippie was free, in our mind.
We always wished to host our files, be free to showcase what we want and how. Without ads, censorship or binding rules.

We love the internet as a sharing community, free and available. It is also how the Sims community used to work. Exchanging tips and tricks, write tutorials for creations, sharing stories, helping to debug or test-drive. Just people sharing a hobby and time.

We’ll keep creating, keep updating the K Mods, writing funny descriptions and maintaining our websites and various online profiles. We’ll keep playing and switching from Sims 3 and Sims 4. And yes, Sims 5 when it’ll come around. We know it deep downย 

We don’t expect to make a living out of custom content, we don’t think you owe us anything. We want to keep it cool and fun.

Which is why we never jump on the wagon of the Patreon system, nor hid behind Adfly links or any kind of paywalls for that matters.

It’s just us, putting aย jar with a simoleon symbolย on it andย “creating for donation”ย in the park ๐Ÿ˜‰

Now, you can do so via our ko-fi page or our paypal link. No difference, just different means.