Modern technology bringing back to life the history of Hogwarts ?! Well, if we can’t read History of Hogwarts, we’ll take whatever Hogwarts Legacy can give us …

Check those 22 artworks all somehow related to Hogwarts’ history. Some are explicit, where you can see the castle or its grounds, some are completely up to your imagination with skulls or fruits. Some are pieces of lost tapestries, part of a larger story. They are all beautiful and will enhance any room.

This object doesn’t override anything, works fine in-game, and is a complete new mesh

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Made with Sims4Studio
Date of Release: February 5th 2024
Expansions: Base Game
Contains: 2×1 combined package
DirectX 11 compatible
Category : Buy > Decorations > Paintings
Price: 1000Β§

Download 22 in 2 pkgs