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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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Need some Art for your Sims ? Have a look here ;)
You know, you can’t limit the genius to their most famous work … here, take a look at their other works.
MSN was the place to be if you were a cool kid. If not, you were in IRC. If you were a nerd, you were on message boards.
Symbolic Witness Urban landmarks are today’s icons. Once loved or despised, promised to be destroyed…
Keep your kids imagination on the bright side with artworks from Pixar Studio.
The beauty of black&white photos: it fit perfectly everywhere. Graceful photos of nature to soothe anyone.
Wondering what would be the title of a story involving Tintin and the Sims …
Typography is an old form of art. In this era of minimalism we are re-discovering it. In the past it was call : Lettering.
Since no Sim would accept such unconventional work in their kitchen or bathroom, we settled for canvas.
By the way, in which House the Sorting had sent you ? Or did you choose yourself ?
Who would suspect the Daily Prophet to be a “special” newspaper with its weird headline ?
We do not guarantee that you won’t feel judge by any of the portraits.
There is something about paintings that makes you wonder on meanings, colours, emotions, life.