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Circus on the beach ? Beach at the circus ? Wondering why stripes are so attached to circus or beach.
Long story short : red paint because nobility couldn’t afford stone house like the royalty. So they painted red instead.
Refrigerators are meant to be plain colours-only ? Not with us ! We want patterns ! We are patterns lovers !
The craftman who rebuild it swears the mirror is an authentic 18th century mirror from Versailles.
Large brick of stone with a touch of natural teint to give any wall an interesting look of massive life. With a touch of order.
Since no Sim would accept such unconventional work in their kitchen or bathroom, we settled for canvas.
Vintage is original. Neo Classik is classic but done today, with a twist.
The first volume of white brick was such a success that a second one felt like an obligation.
Looking for something more administrative yet different and yet cool ?
Autumn is pleasant, so are those walls. Tainted in the mass. Perfect.
We know you love colors and bricks. So get a set of painted bricks.