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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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Knock knock. Who’s there ? The Wooden Doors ! What Wooden Doors ? The best ones !
Did you know tatami is now a unit measure? Make a dojo, a temple, a…
A room with a view.Or … a room with multiple views as you can choose…
“Come inside, I have japanese engravings” said no one ever while showing off those designs. 😎 🏯
This set is considered a luxury bathroom, while the qualification is true, it calls more…
Spring Haiku : Cherry blossoms bloom // and I know its spring again // the birds tell us all
Hardwood floors are called “floor of frank wood” in other languages …
Rafters floors. Hallucinating floors ? Luxury floors. Chevron is chic.
Wood all over the place. Rough panels. Small panels. Dark or light. Colourful or simply brown.
MSN was the place to be if you were a cool kid. If not, you were in IRC. If you were a nerd, you were on message boards.
At the end of the day, Sims just wanna have fun. Jets of hot water are doing miracles on sore muscles.
Classic, chic, aristocratic, over-the-top, arrows or inconjunction ? We don’t know, we like them !