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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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In honor of HolySimoly’s chairs, the K Holy Chairs. Sims3 conversion with more styles. We like them that much !
Kluit mini set is colourful and fun. Retro and vintage.Now, once in a while, you…
We can’t tell you it was easy to trim down that gigantic oak tree two days ago but it is surely a pleasure to look at now.
To welcome back Pluton in the solar system, we made a set. Furnitures & decos.
The seventies are too offensive to be revived. So let’s bring the cool patterns only.
Totally hipster. Resolutely modern. Completely cool. Unabashedly original.
The story says all of Madam Malkin’s tartan patterns were bought : Hogwarts was once again home.
A new bedding for single bed. This bedding has good-looking textures after an overhaul on the UV Map !
Classic, chic, aristocratic, over-the-top, arrows or inconjunction ? We don’t know, we like them !
Be that kid, a world was made of a bed, pillows and sheets. But with an industrial look.
Refrigerators are meant to be plain colours-only ? Not with us ! We want patterns ! We are patterns lovers !
The set contains 4 walls of 5 different colours : Old Gryffin, Mandragore, Seeker, Kreatur.