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A new bedding for single bed. This bedding has good-looking textures after an overhaul on the UV Map !
Keep your kids imagination on the bright side with artworks from Pixar Studio.
The beauty of black&white photos: it fit perfectly everywhere. Graceful photos of nature to soothe anyone.
At the end of the day, Sims just wanna have fun. Jets of hot water are doing miracles on sore muscles.
Wondering what would be the title of a story involving Tintin and the Sims …
Typography is an old form of art. In this era of minimalism we are re-discovering it. In the past it was call : Lettering.
Refrigerators are meant to be plain colours-only ? Not with us ! We want patterns ! We are patterns lovers !
Large brick of stone with a touch of natural teint to give any wall an interesting look of massive life. With a touch of order.
Since no Sim would accept such unconventional work in their kitchen or bathroom, we settled for canvas.
Vintage is original. Neo Classik is classic but done today, with a twist.
The first volume of white brick was such a success that a second one felt like an obligation.