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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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Our Grandma’s kitchen. In different tones. With the washed out look and the faint colours.
Wood all over the place. Rough panels. Small panels. Dark or light. Colourful or simply brown.
Under this complicated title are the recolours of a stack of paintings 😀
Metallic walls, container style ! Cargo-tecture for the win ! Perfect for the grunge style.
In honor of HolySimoly’s chairs, the K Holy Chairs. Sims3 conversion with more styles. We like them that much !
Kluit mini set is colourful and fun. Retro and vintage.Now, once in a while, you…
We always say that old item of furniture stand time better than moderns ones. While…
Polaroids are instantaneous photos. There was 10 or so photos per “roll” and it was awesome.
Bed for kids! While doing artworks, we thought doing beds would be a nice addition….
We can’t tell you it was easy to trim down that gigantic oak tree two days ago but it is surely a pleasure to look at now.
Who wants to live in a forest ? Because we have a bunch of plants to do that.
To welcome back Pluton in the solar system, we made a set. Furnitures & decos.