Tag: whitePage 2 of 4

7 Walls – Metal Blockhaus – sets 1&2

Futuristic dystopia or modern grunge? 🤔 But in colours ( cool ones )

7 Walls – Metal Inferno – set 1

Where have you seen pink container? Nowhere. So not here. But better colours.

7 Walls – Paper Silver Spring – sets 3 to 5

So you are an outdoor lover and your place has window bigger than your walls….

7 Wood Floors – Neo ClassiK – set 1

Hardwood floors are called “floor of frank wood” in other languages …

7 Wood Floors – FaKtory – sets 1&2

Wood all over the place. Rough panels. Small panels. Dark or light. Colourful or simply brown.

7 K Beddings – New Kid in Town set 1

A new bedding for single bed. This bedding has good-looking textures after an overhaul on the UV Map !

K B&W Photography – 7(x2) Artworks set 1

The beauty of black&white photos: it fit perfectly everywhere. Graceful photos of nature to soothe anyone.

7 K Graphart Paintings – sets 1&2

Typography is an old form of art. In this era of minimalism we are re-discovering it. In the past it was call : Lettering.

K Clutter Sputnik – 7 Toasters set 1

Retro toaster for modern or in-theme kitchen. A goodies or a thoughtful decoration.

7 Wood Floors – NeoWood – set 2

Classic, chic, aristocratic, over-the-top, arrows or inconjunction ? We don’t know, we like them !

7 Pool Tiled Vintage x2 – sets 1&2

Did you know it’s the roman mosaic that is popular and not the greek one ?

7 Walls – Wood Skandinavia – sets 1&2

Long story short : red paint because nobility couldn’t afford stone house like the royalty. So they painted red instead.