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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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In honor of HolySimoly’s chairs, the K Holy Chairs. Sims3 conversion with more styles. We like them that much !
Kluit mini set is colourful and fun. Retro and vintage.Now, once in a while, you…
To welcome back Pluton in the solar system, we made a set. Furnitures & decos.
Its story is surely interesting indeed 😀 Now, you can get it here and put it in your new sims living-room
A new bedding for single bed. This bedding has good-looking textures after an overhaul on the UV Map !
Circus on the beach ? Beach at the circus ? Wondering why stripes are so attached to circus or beach.
Be that kid, a world was made of a bed, pillows and sheets. But with an industrial look.
The set contains 4 walls of 5 different colours : Old Gryffin, Mandragore, Seeker, Kreatur.
Have you ever wanted to touch the furnitures when you visited a historical house ?
Did you know that you could put fabric on your walls ? It is nice and chic. Should try it.