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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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Longstones are the perfect compromises : stones, well align and smooth.
Who wants to live in a forest ? Because we have a bunch of plants to do that.
Large brick of stone with a touch of natural teint to give any wall an interesting look of massive life. With a touch of order.
Have fun with those stones with multiple purposes : building dungeons or high towers.
No wonder fireplaces are often call the “heart of the home” … It is warm !
Our green genius was horrified when he first saw that beautiful blossom. Now the blossom can … blossom in a nice vase.
You know, brick is a bit too harsh and stones are a bit too chaotic.
Who needs fancy showers and multi-jet tubs? Or even fancy ceramic bathtub. Get the metallic bucket out !