Tag: redPage 1 of 5
Polaroids are cool. So cool now they are on walls. What are photobooks?
Modern stuff. Graffitis or posters or images. Modern Art ! In square canvas !
Death and taxes? No, Death and Halloween to decorate your place, but all year long.
Here is our hommage to Kasimir Malevich ( beginning of 20th century )
Our Grandma’s kitchen. In different tones. With the washed out look and the faint colours.
Under this complicated title are the recolours of a stack of paintings 😀
In honor of HolySimoly’s chairs, the K Holy Chairs. Sims3 conversion with more styles. We like them that much !
Bed for kids! While doing artworks, we thought doing beds would be a nice addition….
To welcome back Pluton in the solar system, we made a set. Furnitures & decos.
Its story is surely interesting indeed 😀 Now, you can get it here and put it in your new sims living-room
The lanterns were modified to stand on their own, on a single slot. No poles….
A simple wooden chessboard but from Hogwarts, in 2 versions : brown or black. Chess…