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Mineral lime just have this special feel of classy. Those walls are worn out but they still have that cool “négligé” look.
A modest debut for our firsts items at La Friperie K-asual, while waiting for summer…
Rafters floors. Hallucinating floors ? Luxury floors. Chevron is chic.
Wood all over the place. Rough panels. Small panels. Dark or light. Colourful or simply brown.
A new bedding for single bed. This bedding has good-looking textures after an overhaul on the UV Map !
Typography is an old form of art. In this era of minimalism we are re-discovering it. In the past it was call : Lettering.
Retro toaster for modern or in-theme kitchen. A goodies or a thoughtful decoration.
Wood that you wax every six months or so. Different colours for different wood such as tek or cherry wood.
Fabric ? Straw ? Well … it’s sew on the wall. It is original, particular, it is special.
Did you know it’s the roman mosaic that is popular and not the greek one ?
Our Grandma’s kitchen. In different tones. With the washed out look and the faint colours.
Circus on the beach ? Beach at the circus ? Wondering why stripes are so attached to circus or beach.