Tag: bluePage 1 of 5

10 Tatami Floors – sets 1&2

Did you know tatami is now a unit measure? Make a dojo, a temple, a…

7 Walls – Metal Container – set 1

So now you are into cargo-tecture. Cool, how about … picking your colors ?

7 Columns – Metal Cyclonik – sets 1&2

Columns are often hidden in plain sight. We offer to put them into the light….

7 Walls – Metal Blockhaus – sets 1&2

Futuristic dystopia or modern grunge? 🤔 But in colours ( cool ones )

7 Walls – Metal Inferno – set 1

Where have you seen pink container? Nowhere. So not here. But better colours.

K Nihon 2020 Vintage Design – sets 1&2

“Come inside, I have japanese engravings” said no one ever while showing off those designs. 😎 🏯

7 Sinks + Tubs – K New Gosik Duo – sets 1&3

This set is considered a luxury bathroom, while the qualification is true, it calls more…

7 Walls – Stucco Afternoon – sets 1&2

Stucco is usually for outside walls and can be used to make a beautiful decoration….

7 Walls – Fabric ArtzDeko set 4

The seventies are too offensive to be revived. So let’s bring the cool patterns only.

7 Walls – Brick Trashoide – set 1

Pick your ambiance 🙂 One trash is another’s stylish masonry. Look here for that brick wall from the back alley.

7 Walls – Brick Polaris – set 1

This look like coloured concrete except it’s not. It’s brick and yeah, they come in colours.

7 Walls – Mosaic Fiftyone – set 1

Tiles. Mosaic. Let them live outside of your bathroom or your kitchen credence !