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Cyber nest … Nature’s way
We are a small team, two friends having fun creating and building. Mostly, texture lovers. 😍
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Metallic walls, container style ! Cargo-tecture for the win ! Perfect for the grunge style.
Where have you seen pink container? Nowhere. So not here. But better colours.
Not tempted by Greece ? Here you go, your own hacienda’s walls covered with mineral lime.
Longstones are the perfect compromises : stones, well align and smooth.
You know, brick is a bit too harsh and stones are a bit too chaotic.
Life is a lost cabin in the forest ! But you can have nice colors and warm feels.
Wood is life. Life is warm. Wood is warm. In plenty of colors. Real important.
Rustic is authentic. With a panel of colors to choose from get that specific look easily.
Liked the textured wall in volume 1 ? Get a second volume for free !
Did you know that you could put fabric on your walls ? It is nice and chic. Should try it.